
Some tips for Helpers

Quite a few of you using Solocontutti will be taking on the role of "helper", by which I mean someone with technical skills who is helping other people to get Solocontutti running smoothly. Although the app is designed to be accessible to someone with zero technical skills, there will always be technical challenges and the app can always be better in this respect. This article to give the helpers more insight into the tools available. The very first time Here are some tips for helping someone the very first time they are using the app: Try and get them up and running outside of rehearsal time. Nothing is more frustrating than when a whole group of people is waiting for someone to fix a tech problem. Rehearsal time, especially with a larger group, is precious Think about using a remote diagnostic tool which allows you to control someone else's computer. This is a lot quicker and more effective than trying to give instructions on the telephone. A good free tool is  TeamView...

Pro vs. Normal mode - audio path

One of the menu options in Solocontutti is "Pro Mode".  Since Solocontutti is designed to be very easy to use the basic interface keeps things down to a minimum and fairly intuitive. Also there are quite a few users who are using accessibility features, so you don't want to clutter up the space with loads of buttons and switches, as you will see on much audio software.  For the user who wants more control over how the sound is managed, there is pro mode. This is the first of a series of posts discussing pro mode and how you can use the features. This article is about the audio path. So what exactly do I mean by audio path? Basically Solocontutti takes a number of inputs from various sources and sends processed sounds to three destinations: your headphones, other players on the internet and recordings. We'll ignore recordings for the moment, as this is the subject of another article. The audio path is shown in the  diagram below: Inputs Let's look ...